"Mandie? She's my amazing hippy friend."

signifactor: priestess of discs reversed, she is doing yoga and other inner work to take care of herself. she's not feeling well. perhaps she doesn't know what she needs or is not aware of her body. it is not a time to take care of others, as she is the one who needs attention.

atmosphere: priestess of wands tilt left, made it rain with the help of the lion to renew the life and energy in her community. she is unsure of what she is supposed to do and not seeing a clear direction.

crosscurrent: high priestess tilt right, trying to stay connected to her unconscious and inner world, perhaps she seeks ways to tap in to her dreams and inspirations.

root: 8 of swords, a woman breaks her sword against a wall that she invented. crows laugh and offer a way out if she would only look around. she boxes herself in with a mental picture. the walls she constructed around herself are not real. perhaps she approaches something to directly or in to linear a way. maybe she is experiencing recurring anxiety dreams or other very human dilemmas.

passing away: 9 of discs, healer woman comes to desert to paint. in a solitary and creative period. connected to healing and artistic abilities and may want to be outside among non-human creaturs.

sky: tower tilt left, sits on a tower that will soon crumble, struck by lightenening and has a vision, tells people how to get to their new home. comes in to changes slowly or with hesitation.

near future: 10 of discs tilt right, women of community gather to welcome new life as woman has a baby. she and community are actively pushing something out in to the world.

self-concept: 5 of wands tilt left,

hopes and fears: shaman of discs tilt right

house: 7 of discs tilt left

outcome: judgement reversed

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