
I have... something I'd like to say today. Over the past two years, I have been neck-deep in politics. I have followed the election since everyone has been saying "but its two years away!" And its because I want so much for this country to be ok. I've been searching for an answer for so long, that when the time came for someone to take Bush's place, I was chomping at the bit to know more. To learn who these men were. As time passed... to learn who these WOMEN were. I knew it was going to be a time of big change, not only a shifting of power, but with the first woman as the speaker of the house, and with my recent return from my first trip to Washington D.C., I could feel something in the air. Not a cloud looming overhead, but a stirring of something... something... hopeful. And who comes along to set ablaze that little spark in my heart? Barack Obama, bellowing "FIRE IT UP!" with every step on the campaign trail. Hope-mongering be damned, that man made me feel alive. He made me feel a true and unfaltering hope that this country could be better, that my people could be better, that we could reclaim our position as leaders of the free world, and again help our brothers and neighbors because finally, we can once again help ourselves. We can be whole, we can be good. That is what Obama said to me, and that is what I felt when I shook his hand. Looking at Barack Obama (now I'm going to be a little emotional, here), often brings tears to my eyes. What he believes in, what he wishes for all of us, is what I have so longed for in my knowledge of the world around me. I have wanted to shout from rooftops, "WE HAVE THE POWER TO CHANGE THE WORLD... We are better than these last eight years... Yes we can... ENOUGH." Obama, is me speaking out, he is you, and my mom, and my friends, and everyone I have ever heard complain that the system doesn't work for them. The republican system doesn't work for us, Barack Obama, HOPE, FAITH, STRENGTH, that works for us. We used to be a country that helped however and whomever we could, now we can hardly sustain ourselves. I can feel it, and I've felt it for a long time. I know you can feel it, too. When I look at Barack Obama, I see the best in all of us. I see JFK, I see John Adams, I see my grandfather. I feel his warmth, dedication, passion, and heart. Its time for us, all of us, to have someone like that be the leader of our world. Its time for a return to our ideals, a time to remember what used to be good, and how we were good to eachother. He will lead the way. He is the one to bring us back, because he knows that he cannot do it alone, and that is the difference between our next president and John McCain. WE as the American people can only battle through the tough times and make things better for ourselves. Barack can only be a strong leader, whispering in our ears words of encouragement and hope. We must do the work ourselves, and Barack can be the leader we need to change this country we have let fall apart at our feet. It's time to take back what was given to us, and appreciate all the we as Americans have, and find that place again wehre we can use our fortune to help the world, and to be the kind of Americans our ancestors hoped for for the future. We say we are the land of the free, the home of the brave, and there is no greater gift than to be an American. Under Barack Obama, i might just start to feel the truth in that again.

Who will love a little sparrow?

This is the greatest and best song that I've heard in a long time. Aphrodite herself loved a little sparrow, and it was sacred to her. This song is about helping your brother, or at least someone in need, no matter how small. That's really the important thing to remember in the world we are all in today, isn't it, friends? I've been thinking about help lately. We all need it, we all get it in some way, but how much do we give? The earth has been there from our conseption and will be there long after our departure... what are we doing for our oldest dearest comrade? Just something to keep in your mind and heart...

Who will love a little Sparrow?
Who's traveled far and cries for rest?
"Not I," said the Oak Tree,
"I won't share my branches with
no sparrow's nest,
And my blanket of leaves won't warm
her cold breast."

Who will love a little Sparrow
And who will speak a kindly word?
"Not I," said the Swan,
"The entire idea is utterly absurd,
I'd be laughed at and scorned if the
other Swans heard."

Who will take pity in his heart,
And who will feed a starving sparrow?
"Not I," said the Golden Wheat,
"I would if I could but I cannot I know,
I need all my grain to prosper and grow."

Who will love a little Sparrow?
Will no one write her eulogy?
"I will," said the Earth,
"For all I've created returns unto me,
From dust were ye made and dust ye shall be."


Dear God. What a heavenly body. THIS is the ultimate in delicious masculinity. Look at that shirt, look at those eyes. I'd lick him up like an ice cream cone if I could. Watch Heroes on Monday and oggle with me!


James is here. My dear Kojo. He came here to visit little old me and we have been watching videos all night and listening to Bob Marley. This was my favorite video of the night and I wanted to share it with you cuz that's the type of night we've had. ENJOY!

Something's Up with Jack, Something's Up with Jack...

I've entered a whole new world, as of late. I had never seen Tim Burton's Nightmare Bfore Christmas, but on October 13th, 2008 I knew that all had to change. People had been telling me for years that I would love it, and in fact I have quite a collection of Burton's work; my favorites being Big Fish and The Corpse Bride. But I had managed to get through the past 10 years without missing it, until finally last night I saw the film. What an amazing experience! Early one night I had decided to go off to bed, but couldn't sleep and upon coming out to the family room to visit with my roommate, I realized I hadn't yet missed Jay Leno's musical guest. At the time, I had misheard and believed K.D. Lang was to perform. Imagine my surprise and glee to find it was instead Amy Lee! Sally's Song filled my ears and heart, and since then the plan was set in to motion to finally put NMBC in my repetoir of films. Last night with a bottle of reisling, my friends and I sat down and watched, and Sally's Song has become one of those core songs in my life's playlist. With such an amazing story, visuals, and moral, please... if you are like me and have spent the past 10 years under a rock... see Nightmare Before Christmas!

A serial multi-blogger.

Hi, my name is mandie, and I'm a blog-aholic. These are old blogs... one is very old, one is not so. Check them out, cuz I'm never going to write on either of these again. But they're pretty fun and they gave me a good laugh.

NEVER go through your old messages

Because THIS is the type of shit you will find two months after you break up with the boy you thought you were going to marry...

Trevor McGraw to me
show details Jun 28 Reply

Hey Pretty Girl,
right now i am sitting on my couch, waiting for you to come over. i am so sad
that i didn't get to see you that much today because you make everyday that i
spend with you so much better than when i am alone. I love you so much Amanda.
I wont ever be able to tell you how i really feel because there is not enough
time to do so properly. i am stoked to go canoeing tomorrow, this is something
we really needed. i was hoping to go for a longer canoe since we both don't
have anything going on sunday. i guess i just want to get away with you and be
out on our own. i hope i make you as happy as u make me feel. I know sometimes
you struggle to keep from choking me to death for being a boy, but please know
that you are the first thing on my mind when i wake up, the last thing on my
mind at night, and the only thing i want on my mind/body in the future. I love
you I love you I love u. and then some, the kisses and the huggs
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXo ----- please note the amount of kiss to hug ratio.

Captchas can be cool.

I wish there was a captcha for life... that way I could figure out who's a real person and who's a robot.

First Impressions are Key

Since I get to do what I want on this blog, I'm going to start it out honestly.

Just a couple things: I want to be her. I want someone like him in my life, because I've never seen anyone adore anyone more than he does her. This song reminds me of my current ex-love, who's last name happens to be McGraw... so it fits. Though, he didn't adore me as much as Tim adores Faith. And he couldn't sing.

There. Raw enough? Now that I've set the tone, why don't y'all just settle in. I speak my mind quite frequently, I find interesting things online, and I love to play, so being as I'm a pretty straight-forward, no-bullshit, playful sort of person, I'd like to welcome you to read my blog if you think you can handle it. If not... well, this is for me anyway so, peace. If you stumble upon this, I hope it brings you some enjoyment, but really I just needed a place to organize all my ADHD thoughts.

Happy Reading, bitches!

So what's on my mind today, like all days, of course is he who shall not be names. Really I just don't feel like admitting that it's him I'm thinking about, and as long as I don't say his name, in my own mind I'm safe. Deal with it. And watch that video again... have you ever just wanted so badly to be able to put something out there for someone in thehopes that they might see it? It's naiive and silly to wish for something like that, but I keep feeling this need to stay close to him. Because really, in the couple of times that I have seen him since, it was like we never loved at all... I just want to call him and ask him... did you ever miss me? Did you ever long to kiss me? Fantasies... Anyway, it's been a couple months and I'm doing well. Much better than I was, to say the least. I go about my life, I have fun, I see my friends, but really I'm still so heart-broken. And I've been in relationships before where it's ended badly, like this one, and I know I get over it but I keep wondering when this is going to be done with. In my head, I'm so over it and him. Not worth it, too young, too new, too immature, too many things that were really bad for me, but I can't forget how good it felt to be with him when times were good. I can't forget the magic or the passion. And you know? I was told so many times that love isn't everything, but I never believed it because what else is a 21 year old bright-eyed liberal modern-day-hippie supposed to believe? Love conquers all. I still believe that to a point, but I've learned from this newest heartbreak that it takes so much work and time and energy too. I had never known how much it really takes to stay with someone, even though love SHOULD be enough. It just can't be. There's too much else. So now the both of us will concentrate our energy towards eachother in a new way, pretending like the other doesn't exist and that everyone is happy as a clam. Thank god I've got this blog to spill my guts to, because what's more important than love when your in the jungle of college peers? Saving face. God... I'm such a contradiction.