
I'm going to put this out there for myself, and only I will understand it, so don't try to. Obama's girls have allergies and need a hypoallergenic dog. What a good father. What a good parent to recognize how important a pet is for the development of a child's precious and fragile psyche. Even thought both Sasha and Malia are incredibly allergic to dogs, the good father and good man that Obama is... is finding a way around it, because he loves his daughters. Dogs are so important in so many ways. They teach you so many things about life. I think a child who didn't have the fortune of having a pet is lacking something when they reach adulthood. You are forced to think about something other than yourself when you must take on the responsability of caring for a pet. And even though Obama's girls are actually alergic to dogs... he's not letting that stop them from having that unparalleled experience. And it's because he is a good parent. The black, liberal, democratic, young, brand new president who kicked McCain's ass... is an amazing parent.

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